Technical Description Self Reflection Memo

Professor C. Rodwell
Modou Bousso
Technical Description Essay Self Reflection Memo 

      Due to its broad use and frequently disregarded design nuances, the mechanical pencil, a well-liked and adaptable writing equipment, has been my choice for the technical description essay. In this essay, I examined the history of the mechanical pencil, gave a basic overview, and then went into detail on the parts, subparts, and their uses. Although it has a straightforward appearance, the mechanical pencil exhibits amazing engineering and creativity in both its design and use. However, I faced two significant challenges during this essay which are selecting a suitable product for this analysis, and the identification of accurate terminology for the various parts and sub-parts of the mechanical pencil.

      Selecting a suitable product for this analysis involved various challenges for me. I considered a range of items with different complexities and applications before I chose the mechanical pencil. This decision was influenced by the tool’s adaptability and underappreciated intricacy, which made for an engaging and informative essay.

     The other significant challenge I faced during the writing process was the identification of accurate terminology for the various parts and sub-parts of the mechanical pencil. I consulted multiple resources, including product manuals, and patent documents, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the pencil’s construction. This time-consuming research was vital in providing accurate technical details in the essay.

      In conclusion, choosing a product and figuring out what makes up a mechanical pencil presented several difficulties. However, these challenges gave me a deeper understanding of the complexity of product design and the significance of clear communication in technical writing. In the end, the experience was fruitful because it improved my writing abilities and broadened my knowledge.